


Collective Action

cul·​ti·​vate / to foster the growth of, to improve by labor, care, or study

We want to foster relationships and belonging through in-person & online gatherings. Being a gospel practitioner is hard work and we want to cultivate a community where you are known and you feel a sense of belonging among colleagues called to the sacred work of spreading the beauty and work of the Jesus way in the world.

cre·​den·​tial / to certify that a person is entitled to credit or has a right to exercise official power

Being a gospel practitioner and someone who feels a sense of “call” or invitation to this work of spreading the Jesus Way in the world is holy and sacred work. At Wild Fig, we recognize that many of you have found yourselves outside of the denominational structures that you once called home and we hope to create a space for you to belong. This includes both care and accountability for credentialed Wild Fig practitioners.

co·​cre·​ate / to create (something) by working with one or more others

As a community of practitioners, we want to practice collective theological discernment — crowdsourcing knowledge and wisdom with special attention paid to the perspectives of historically marginalized communities. We want to engage in dialogue with the broader Christian movement believing that the answers are in the room and not always on the stage.

col·​lec·​tive ac·​tion / united action by an association

By joining together as a network of gospel practitioners, we can share resources and accomplish together what we could not do alone. Whether it be justice, aid, or advocacy - we’re stronger together and we can do more by pooling our resources than any one person or community doing it alone.