Why “Wild Fig Network?”
Mat Hollen Mat Hollen

Why “Wild Fig Network?”

There is a moment I relish when sharing about the Wild Fig Network: Watching people’s reactions to the name. Some smile, others look puzzled, and a few—while not exactly turned off—do not experience resonance. Yet, a question always follows: “Where did that name come from?”

I love this question because “Wild Fig” encapsulates our vision for the network in many ways.

"Fig" is a rich biblical metaphor for the spiritual health of a community. When God’s people followed God’s commands, figs bore abundant fruit. When they strayed, the trees withered, and the fruit disappeared. "Wild" invokes the wilderness, a recurring theme in Scripture. The wilderness is where God’s people escape, are tested, shaped, and encounter God. It’s a place outside institutional power where the Spirit works in unexpected and transformative ways.

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