Wild Fig is a newly forming decentralized network of independent Christian ministers and ministries woven together through mutual relationships and bound by a commitment to shared purpose, principles, and practices.



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    We want to foster relationships and belonging through regular in-person & online gatherings. Being a gospel practitioner is hard work and we want to cultivate a community where we can be seen and known among colleagues called to the sacred work of God’s love, healing, and justice in the world.


    We want to crowdsource and share knowledge, wisdom, and resources. Whether it be in justice, mutual aid, or advocacy, we can accomplish far more together than we could alone.  We also want to practice collective theological discernment, believing that the answers are not always on the stage but in the room.


    Being a gospel practitioner and someone who feels a sense of “call” or invitation to the work of spreading the Jesus Way in the world is holy and sacred. We recognize that many have found themselves alienated from the denominational structures they once called home. We hope to create a space of not only welcome and belonging but also care, support, and accountability for credentialed Wild Fig practitioners.

How will we do it?

Relationships are the core and foundation of the network. We believe mutual relationships where people can be seen, known, and loved offer the best environment for growth, collaboration, and accountability. Therefore, our strategy is to weave a web of mutual relationships and shared resources through a simple, fractal organizing structure consisting of:


Our Name: “Wild Fig Network”

He told them this parable: “Look at the fig tree and all the trees. When they sprout leaves, you can see for yourselves and know that summer is near. Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that the kingdom of God is near.”
Luke 21:29-31

The fig tree has been a significant symbol in the biblical narrative from Genesis to Revelation, often serving as a barometer of Israel’s devotion to YHWH. When Israel's heart is aligned with God, the fig trees overflow with fruit. But when Israel neglects the covenant, the trees wither and fail to produce (as seen when Jesus cursed the fig tree on His way to the temple).

Wild fig trees add another layer of meaning. Figs were among the first cultivated plants, yet wild trees continued to thrive beyond human control. The biblical authors drew on this metaphor, using the untamed nature of wild trees to represent the unpredictability and freedom of God's Spirit. Historically, new movements of God's Spirit and reimagined forms of worship have emerged in these “wild spaces” beyond the temple or tabernacle.

The time of traditional religious structures bearing fruit is waning. So together, we seek to join God's Spirit in those untamed spaces outside the confines of cultivated systems, partnering in new ways for God's people and plans for the world to flourish